4 years of
4 years of
3 years of
Technical Writing
Web Developer
Dozens of projects and
Technical Writer
🧐 About me
Simon Ugorji (Octagon) ✨
In addition to my skills, I am also a Technical Support Agent. As a Technical Support Agent, I handle technical issues, and customer questions, and ensure clear communication. My goal is always to provide excellent support and keep customers satisfied - and this has been one of my strengths.
I work well in teams, manage my time effectively, and love solving problems with code. New challenges motivate me, and I always seek to improve and innovate.
🔗 Portfolio
My Works And Projects
Coding Blocks
Using my PHP skills, I created a WordPress plugin that allows for the seamless embedding of styled code snippets within WordPress posts. This enhancement addresses the issue of unstyled default code snippets, providing a more appealing and readable presentation.
This is a feature-reach form validation library that was built with Javascript and PHP and it helps to validate your client-side and server-side forms using sophisticated regular expressions & validation rules. You will find this project implemented as a form validation for the contact section.
Word Unscrambler
This is a very small project that is built with Javascript that unscrambles any word so long as that word exists in the project's custom dictionary
Leveraging my PHP expertise, I developed a WordPress plugin capable of generating a virtual API. This API enables users to easily share their WordPress posts with other websites, enhancing content distribution and integration capabilities.
NFT Marketplace
This project, inspired by a 4-week coding challenge, allowed me to master my API integration skills by creating a simple web app that simulates the purchase of an NFT and specifically focuses on retrieving data from an NFT API endpoint.
Using the MERN stack (MongoDB, ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS), I built my very first full-stack application. It's a fully functional blogging website that represents a significant achievement in my development skills.
This full-stack web app, built with PHP and ReactJS, that enables people to upload files and share the auto-generated links to these files. These files are deleted after 24 hours and the link revoked as well.
This full-stack web app, built with PHP and ReactJS, empowers tailors to efficiently store and access clients' measurements (male and female) and create orders while showcasing their portfolio. It offers a responsive solution for tailors to manage their business needs.
🧑💻 Skills
Technologies & Skills
Technologies that I use everyday
Databases that I use everyday
💼 Career
My Journey so far
My Employment History
Click on the link below to view my employment history over time and the skills that I applied in those positions.
📬 Contact